Summary of O’Reilly coverage of Dremio’s Self-Service Data Platform
Summary of O’Reilly coverage of Dremio’s Self-Service Data Platform
Summary of Forbes coverage of Dremio’s Self-Service Data Vision
Summary of Infoworld’s coverage of Dremio’s Self-Service Data
Summary of DBTA coverage of Dremio at Strata NYC 2017
Summary of InsideBigData Interview with Tomer Shiran of Dremio
Summary of DZone article on self-service analytics with Dremio
Summary of DZone article on a SQL solution to Elasticsearch for analytics
Summary of Analytics Week article on improving self-service BI and data science
Summary of Silicon Angle’s article on using Apache Arrow for new self-service data platform
Summary of eWeek’s article on Dremio’s launch
Summary of ZDNets article on Dremio’s launch
Summary of The New Stack’s article on Dremio’s launch
Summary of TechTarget’s article on using Apache Arrow for new self-service data platform
Summary of Silicon Angle’s article on using Apache Arrow for new self-service data platform
Summary of Information Management’s article on applying concepts of leverage and debt to big data