TFiR: Data Leaders Concerned About Out-Of-Control Costs Of Data Warehouses: Report

August 13, 2021

Enterprises are pouring money into data management software – to the tune of $73 billion in 2020 – but are seeing very little return on their data investments. According to a new study from Dremio, the SQL Lakehouse company, and produced by Wakefield Research, only 22% of the data leaders surveyed have fully realized ROI in the past 2 years, with most data leaders (56%) having no consistent way of measuring it.

A highlighted from the article:

“Data leaders are frequently concerned about the out-of-control costs of data warehouses, particularly as their workloads grow – a big surprise to them since the data warehouse cost of entry can be low to start. Moreover, the lack of predictability around future costs leads to very poor financial governance for data leaders and CFOs alike,” said Billy Bosworth, CEO, Dremio. “While companies understand they have an expensive sunk cost for data warehouses, they are keen on ways to drive newer analytics architectures directly from open data lakes for better financial governance and highly performant queries against vast amounts of data.”

Read the full article here.

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